Monday, January 3, 2011

Thoughts on Being Protective...

I celebrated Christmas last evening with my son, Phil, and son-in-law, Juan. While talking about my experiences over in India with my daughter, Ali, and grandson, Oliver, Juan asked if I ever felt threatened. Interesting question...I never felt overly concerned about my own safety, but I can tell you with all certainty that "Mother Bear" mode kicked in several times - do NOT mess with my babies, or I will kick your *ss!

But seriously, the only times I felt this way were at the train stations, being accosted by scammers who were obviously trying to (physically) lead us astray and/or were following us to the point of hounding/stalking us.

I recall removing the full, hard, plastic water bottles from the side pockets of my backpack, having one in each hand, ready to slam them into someone's mouth (or elsewhere), using them as weapons if needed.  I quickly eyed an armed security officer and ushered us over to him to ask directions.

Other than that, I only had to use my Adrian Peterson stiff-arm move in queues for tickets at the train station (my daughter remarked that she was impressed that I was not only the only woman, but also the only foreigner in line) and at the ATM, a virtual glass "closet" that four men tried to follow me into. I don't think so!!! That same move (a "talk to the hand" version) was used on the Metro or in public situations in which men had been staring at me for too long. (I found out later that the only blondes that they see are in lingerie ads - great, just great).

Is it coincidence that, as I get ready to return to India, Victoria's Secret has its semi-annual sale?! I don't think so!!!   ;D  hehehe

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