Sunday, January 9, 2011

Going back...or is it forward...

Getting set to go back to India - this time to Hyderabad. I'll be caring for my grandson, Oliver, while his mama is researching. I'm also packing some basic watercolors, watercolor pencils, calligraphy nibs, Parallel pens, Rapidograph, MacPro laptop, 2 hard drive backups (one for my iMac back @ home, one for the MacPro), my trusty Nikon S8000, and a ton of imagination and appetite for adventure.
Thankfully, I will be working on revamping a client's web site and card designs while there - but also exploring other possibilities. After yesterday's phone call from a good friend, I am entertaining other life possibilities as well...who knows where that will lead?
Lots of retro- and introspection going on...the less I own, the less that owns me. I am free to pick up and follow where dreams may lead...or stray phone calls for that matter. "What would I do if I only had one year to live?"...those kinds of questions, and more importantly, "Why not do it now?"
Here's to 2011 and what lies ahead...

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are settled in and have gotten some good baby nuzzling in the past week! We had an ice storm here which kind of kicked our butts, but all is well and we should be back in the 50's by tomorrow. I am going ahead with plans to lease out my house - no matter what. Towards that goal I am repainting the middle child's room this weekend. I have an appointment to speak with a recruiter from an Aussie agency on Monday...scary but exciting! Please post more of your wonderful "texture" pics, I make them my wallpaper from time to time.

    Enjoy your time with Allie and Oliver, think positive thoughts and when you close your eyes to sleep each night, don't forget to DREAM...

