Monday, January 17, 2011

Solo Exploring of Patancheru

Pantancheru 01.16.11

Oliver and I set out on our solo adventure - exploring the streets of Patancheru. He loves riding in his "elephant carriage" - the baby backpack - and I was a willing beast of burden. Quite the pair, Oliver and I!

He was sleeping before we reached the main entry and slept while I bought a Pepsi from a local vendor and guzzled it in the unaccustomed heat.

Remember to click on any photo to enlarge it, then use your back button.
If you enlarge this, you should be able to see the meat hanging in the "window".
We admired the street art and watched more kite-flying. Turning down an unfamiliar street, we were greeted by smiles and children and mothers eager to meet us. Some even ran down the street after us to shake our hands. Two little sisters were anxious for me to take their photo - the mom even ran inside to fetch the younger one!

Hmmm, Oliver, what could we call our adventures...something along the Indiana Jones line...I'll have to give this some thought...

Tree (made me think Banyan) inside ICRISAT headquarters

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