Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Golconda Fort and Pearl Shopping

On February 4, Ali, Oliver, and I headed into Hyderabad to tour the Golconda Fort. It was an impressive structure, built into the rocky hillside, and offering commanding views of the city.

The ICRISAT Ganesh, saffron-colored today
Everywhere I go in this area of India, I am struck by the beauty of the bouganvilla, roses, and a variety of blooming trees with amazing large blossoms. The colors and textures around me are wonderful. And then there are the contrasts - I am, after all, an artist, and with that eye, I am constantly noticing the stark contrasts: beautiful flowers and rotting garbage, awe-inspiring ancient architecture and crumbling buildings, impressive modern office buildings and incredibly impoverished tent camps...on and on.
I am saddened when visiting these wonderful historic sites to see garbage thrown around. I haven't been able to wrap my mind around it, because seriously, it was not the tourists that I saw litter. Oh, well...

It did not take long at Golconda Fort to attract a crowd...not a good start. The school children are curious and friendly, but that's not the problem. It's when people would just walk up and pinch Oliver's cheeks - and not gently. It got old in a hurry and felt very invasive. I wouldn't dream of doing that to someone's baby. I may say, "What a beautiful baby", but I would never just walk up and pinch her/him.

Up on a "DO NOT ENTER" ledge - did not
prevent about 30 students and their teacher
from following Oliver & I up there.

We've had to become good at dodging crowds and flat-out refusing photos - averting our faces, especially Oliver's, blocking with our hands, and sometimes actually saying forcefully, "No photos!" I do not like having to do that, because it feels rude, but unfortunately necessary.

a huge group coming down the stairs...
...looks like we will take an alternate route...

We took several side trails to alternative side doors in the fort and relished the hike. It felt good to work out and get off the beaten path. Imagine that - me, off the beaten path - who would guess?!

view of Hyderabad

This time, we took the photo!

Oliver asleep, but not letting go of the umbrella!

Ali succumbed to her ice cream cravings and talked us all into a cone. Okay, fine - she didn't succumb - she just doesn't resist her ice cream cravings! And all right - she really didn't have to talk us into a cone either. Oliver didn't have a choice, but I did - and chose the ice cream. Yum. It was funny to see sign advertising "Fresh American Sweet Corn", so I just had to get some. Happy, happy day.

After Golconda Fort, we continued on to Charminar, one of the pearl markets in Hyderabad. It took some looking and some serious bargaining, but we found a very kind and reputable dealer. While Ali and I admired the wide variety of pearls and made our decisions, we were given water and juice.

A family of 5 on a motorcycle - not an unusual sight.

Vendors and traffic in Charminar
A close up of the Charminar gate that you see
in the upper right corner of the photo above.

We walked around the market, buying fresh coconut inside the Mosque grounds. As we ate it, we listened to the evening prayers.

A Mosque nearby. We were not able to enter as evening
prayers were being said at that time.
Oliver had fallen asleep in my arms, but after waking was given biscuits, too, so he was one happy little shopper. It was really fun to choose our own lustrous pearls and have them strung while we watched. What a treat!

The street outside the shop.

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