Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Jingle Bells??? Really??? 01.22.11

Ali, Oliver, and I spent Friday evening and Saturday with friend from Gurgaon who now lives in Hyderabad - Raji, her husband, Alok, and her mother (whose name I forget).

Being a good host has the same basic requirement as back home - offer delicious food - and plenty of it!
We were at their flat only a short time before being served a wonderful assortment of spicy Indian specialties - yum! (I am going to have to find an authentic Indian recipe book before returning home - or I will have spice withdrawal!!!)

Oliver's only job was to entertain everyone and keep us on our toes, following him everywhere. In the evening, we went to a beautiful restaurant, Tansen. Hyderabad is famous for its biryani, so we enjoyed that much more!

On Saturday, we visited an Hindi temple and devoured dosas before our ride back to ICRISAT.

Being new to foreign travel, I am constantly noticing things that amuse, confuse, and otherwise make me think, "Hmmm...". For instance, Indians seem to like funny (to me) digital tunes on everything from their cell phones to their cars. It took all I could do to stifle giggles when the car we rode in played a techno "Silent Night" whenever it was shifted to reverse - imagine the kind of "Silent Night" PeeWee Herman would have played and you get the picture. Then the elevator at the flat played "Here Comes the Bride" (again PeeWee style) - hilarious at first but annoying at 3AM.

While at the restaurant on Friday evening, a trio of local musicians sat down to play on the stage - something I'd been anticipating after spying it across from our table. Carrying Oliver over to listen, I was eager to hear authentic Indian music, when what to my wondering ears should I hear, but Jingle Bells, and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star!!! Shot the hell out of my anticipation...a musical version of a cold shower...

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