Thursday, March 17, 2011


For the most part, I liked Indian food. The spice, sauces, and textures were interesting and very flavorful. While eating vegetarian for the most part, I had assumed that it would be very healthy for me, but there were a lot of hidden fats. Ghee - aka butter - was in everything it seemed, and a lot of it. So after a while, I no longer felt so good about "vegetarian", because it contained a ton of animal fat any way. Go figure.

Oh, yeah...a little Lenny while we eat...

The street view outside the Hard Rock Cafe.

Man, oh man, did we both end up craving a good American hamburger...even the french fries. One weekend, Ali suggested we go to Hyderabad and get a hamburger. I thought, "Where? Good luck." Then she informed me that there was a Hard Rock Cafe in Hyderabad - nirvana, here I come.

My mojito...

No words necessary...

Oliver got his first taste of a really delicious hamburger and was so excited that he started flapping his arms and panting for more! Can't blame him - it tasted SO good. French fries were also new for him - he devoured them, two at a time. It was so funny to watch - it was like he didn't know what to do with a fry in each little hand - which one do I eat first, or can I eat them at the same time?!

Notice the grease-smeared table...those paws had held
many fries!

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