Sunday, May 29, 2011

Photos from Village Visits

(The next couple of posts will wrap up the time spent in India, specifically around Hyderabad).

My daughter, Ali, having been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to India, was conducting research at ICRISAT in Patancheru, near the city of Hyderabad. I joined her from January 11 through March 3, 2011, to take care of my grandbaby, Oliver.

I felt very privileged to join her on visits to two villages where she interviewed groups of women and men (mostly women) about changes in agricultural technology and its economic impact on women, family planning, and other topics.

It was very humbling to experience such gracious hospitality and openness - the home-cooked meals were amazing - and yes, we did drink the well water with no after effects.

India's Version of a Truck Stop

This man flew around the cooking area, making eggs, rice, and more for hungry bus passengers.

The local bus

Oliver taking the express route

Traffic on the way to Sholapur

A man white-washing a building near our hotel - a frightening sight!

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