Sunday, May 29, 2011

Kalman, Here We Come!

After a morning of confusing miscommunication and several trips back and forth to the bus stop, we were finally picked up in a small SUV at our hotel and taken to Kalman. What had started out as a rather frustrating day, turned out to be a great experience, as ICRISAT's field worker at Kalman was terrific in his role as interpreter.

Small children were brought by their mothers to the meetings and once again thought my winking was hilarious. Why, I do not know, but didn't care as it had the effect I wanted any way - just to break the ice and get everyone comfortable. The village children thought it was funny enough to follow me through the streets, even climbing onto the neighboring building's rooftop to giggle and wait for me to do it again.

Men joined the women in the second meeting and wanted to learn more about how much we pay for cattle, marketing, questioning me after I commented that I had grown up on a farm, too. It was a lively discussion that I very much enjoyed - what an experience!

Rooftop view of village

Children that kept returning to their doorway to get me to wink.

Village women that wanted a photo with Ali and Oliver.

Children that followed, climbing onto rooftop across the street.

Decorated entrance to a newly married couple's home.

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