Monday, October 25, 2010

Delhi, India 09.18.10

Great day today in Delhi...toured President's Palace grounds, Hunayaman's tomb, road the Metro, saw monkeys in the street, had people come up & ask to have their photos taken with us (which is really a weird experience), etc. Our Sikh driver took us to see the Sikh temple, (welcomed the relief of the shallow pool at the base of the steps to wash our feet in), enjoyed the beautiful music played by three musicians inside, and the priest (?) actually came over, sat cross-legged on the floor beside us and talked to us at length...took tons of photos all day...(will post to my blog as soon as I know my battery is fully charged)...
More adventures tomorrow...
Oh, made rubbings of the Urdu inscriptions on Hunayaman's wife's tomb on handmade paper purchased in Delhi...many tourists watched, commenting on what a brilliant idea that was... 'D

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