Monday, October 25, 2010

Delhi 09.25.10

This afternoon, Ali, Oliver, and I traveled via the Metro and auto-rickshaw to the Lotus Temple—a place of worship for followers of the Bahá'í Faith. It was a beautiful building with a very open interior. I don’t know why I didn’t take any photos of the interior—maybe I was just enjoying the tranquility of the space. The marble felt refreshingly cool on my feet (we were required to remove our shoes before entering), adding to the soothing ambience.

It was interesting to read some of the tenets of the faith, especially that of equality of women and men, a message common with other faiths (though not always practiced). Why this is such a radical concept to some religions this day in age continues to baffle and frustrate me. But I was very glad to see it embraced here.

Why the messengers of “God’s Word” themselves are worshipped in various religions is intriguing to me. Rather than simply embracing the message and trying to live by it, people seem to need to either worship the messenger or kill the messenger—or both.

We followed this up by a visit to the Delhi Hut Bazaar for some relaxed dinner and shopping—complete with feral dogs.

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